Clock Opera – “Man made”

UK band Clock Opera is out with a new sweet tune – and a pretty cool video to accompany it. Awkward storyline, but beautiful images and a cool model. Their new album, “Ways to forget”, is out on 23rd of April on Moshi Moshi/Island Records.


Today I just wanted to show you some inspirational (and some serious) videos. No theme here, just a bunch of cool videos I’ve come across lately. Happy Sunday, hope you’ve made the most of it! 7 FOR MANKIND VIDEO – DIRECTED BY JAMES FRANCO “ON THE ROAD” TRAILER This looks so awesome! Sam Riley (who … Continue reading

Oh Marilyn / Michelle!

Just watched “My week with Marilyn”, the movie based on Colin Clark’s memoirs about the making of the movie “The Prince and The Showgirl”. No wonder Michelle Williams was nominated for an Oscar for this role. She was stunning and so much alike Marilyn Monroe! Totally nailed the magical charisma and charm she had, as … Continue reading

Now watching: The Hour

The sun is really shining in Hong Kong today, but I’m in bed with a flu. Booored. Luckily, I’ve just discovered a TV-show called “The Hour”. It’s about the BBC and the start-up of a show in the 50s and 60s. Very interesting and with amazing actors; Ben Whishaw, Dominic West (McNulty of “The Wire”) … Continue reading

Wong Kar-Wai does make-up

Whilst doing some research I came across this short made by legendary HK director Wong Kar-Wai – for the make-up brand Shu Uemura. Apparently he did a collection for them, which was released in October last year. The short, entitled “Mask”, features actress Sandrine Pinna and is inspired by Bukowski’s poem “Burning in water, drowning … Continue reading